
There are several types of accommodation in the local area we can put you in the direction of. View the list of recommendations below!

Location and Travel

Your satnav may take you down Bicester Road, which will take you to the back of the venue. Instead, turn off Charbridge Lane and follow the long drive, before taking a right into the car park.


The easiest way to find the exact location is ‘what3words’.

What3words has given every 3m square in the world a unique 3 word address, Tythe Barn’s is –


Taxi Recommendations

QC Taxies
01869 249090

Star Cars
01869 327711

Future Cars
01869 327711

Alpha Cars
01869 242424

ABC Taxis
01869 242601


Royal Cars
01865 777333

01865 377313

ABC Radio Cars
01865 242424


Banbury Taxis
01295 252040

Airport Cars
01295 272727

1st Banbury Taxis
01295 263838


Prestige Cars of Banbury
01295 252040

01296 712201


We hope you can join us!

Please kindly RSVP by Friday 15th March 2024